
Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Temporarily Replace a Tooth Filling

Fear not. You can temporarily fill a tooth or hold a dislodged crown in place for up to a couple of weeks.

  1. Step1

    Look for the early signs of having lost a filling or dislodged a crown: pain when cold air, food, liquids or your tongue touch the tender area.

  2. Step2

    Wash your hands thoroughly with antiseptic soap.

  3. Step3

    Put on latex gloves if you are treating someone other than yourself.

  4. Step4

    Prepare a mixture to use as temporary filling if you do not have a premixed temporary filling compound from your dentist. A standard mixture available with some first aidkits is a mix of zinc oxide powder and oil of cloves, but you can improvise by rolling a ball of sugarless gum, ski wax or candle wax.

  5. Step5

    Rinse the mouth thoroughly with disinfected water.

  6. Step6

    Apply a drop of oil of cloves (also known as "eugenol") to the hole in the mouth. This will reduce the pain.

  7. Step7

    Roll the temporary filling into a small ball and place the ball gently into the exposed area, making certain to cover any exposed tissue.

  8. Step8

    Bite down, lining the tooth up with the tooth above or below it.

  9. Step9

    Wait for the filling to harden if you are using a premixed filling or a mixture of zinc oxide powder and oil of cloves.

  10. Step10

    Evacuate immediately and see a dentist.


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