It is easy for us to know if the person next to us has bad breath.However it is not that easy for us to determine if we ourselves are experiencing bad breath.Why?It has something to do with the fact that the oral cavity is connected to the nose.It is a fact that noses tend to filter and ignore background odors.That means it ignores our own breath.So it is more than possible for a person to have bad breath and really have no idea!Here are some ideas to help determine you are suffering from a case of bad breath.
- Step1
It is always an option to gain the opinion of another person.Go ahead and ask another person to smell your breathe and then give you feedback.Worried that maybe you won't get the truth.Then try asking a child.Children are always known for being pretty honest in these matters.
- Step2
Try licking your wrist.Wait a few minutes until the saliva is dry and take a whiff.That is what the tip of your tongue smells like.
- Step3
Floss your teeth then smell that.
- Step4
Cup your hand over your mouth and nose then breathe out through your mouth then breathe in through your nose?Pleasant smell?
- Step5
Take a spoon then proceed to scrape the back of your tongue.Watch out for the gag reflex.Smell that.Whatever that smells like is what your breathe smells like?
- Step6
Try licking the outside of your thumb,then cup your hand around it and take a whiff!
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