
Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Take Care of Gums

"Brush your teeth" is something most people heard from their parents a thousand times when they are growing up. While it is essential for you to brush your teeth in order to prevent cavities and other problems, taking care of your gums is just as important. Periodontal or gum disease can occur at any age if you don't properly care for your gums, and its important since they are what hold your teeth in place. Here's how you can take better care of your gums and improve your overall oral health.

  1. Step1

    Brushing your gums each time you brush your teeth is the first step you should take in preventing disease and properly caring for your gums. Gently brush your toothbrush over your gums in a circular motion just as you would when brushing your teeth. This helps to remove any foreign debris that may not even be noticeable.

  2. Step2

    Flossing is important as well. Food gathers in between your teeth when you eat, and it has the potential to decay and cause cavities if not removed. If the food is located up near where your gum dips down in between your teeth, it can begin to eat away at your gums. This can be dangerous since you need your gums to hold your teeth in.

  3. Step3

    Make sure that you visit your dentist every six months to have your teeth and gums cleaned and checked. If your dentist does see that you have periodontal or gum disease, he or she may recommend more frequent cleanings as well as special treatments to stop the disease from spreading and doing more damage.

  4. Step4

    You also can speak to your dentist about using prescription toothpaste. Dentists often recommend this for patients with oral health problems since it helps kill bacteria and keep your teeth and gums clean for a longer period of time. In fact most people that use prescription toothpaste do so at night, which is the one time when the mouth has the hardest time fighting off harmful bacteria


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