
Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Brush Your Toddler's Teeth

  1. Step1

    Purchase toddler toothpaste, preferably with no saccharin, and a toddler toothbrush.

  2. Step2

    Tell your toddler that all of his "friends" need to be brushed.

  3. Step3

    When his mouth is open, say "hello" to all of the "friends."

  4. Step4

    Make brushing fun - giggle and laugh while you're brushing the teeth.

  5. Step5

    Tell your toddler he's a big boy for brushing his teeth.

  6. Step6

    Show him how to spit in the sink.

  7. Step7

    Clap and encourage your toddler for a job well done.

  8. Step8

    Give him a sticker for each successful toothbrushing session - it works!


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