
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Home Teeth Whitening Tips

Home Teeth Whitening TipsEveryone looks attractive with sparkling white teeth. So let us work for them. Teeth’s whitening is not going to be effective without our own efforts at taking care of the teeth. People can help themselves to whiten teeth just by brushing and flossing thoroughly twice a day. 

Also, there are some home remedies and advices to whiten teeth and keep the effect. Raw fruits and vegetables are a health food, chewing them regularly will help in cleaning teeth. It is possible to whiten teeth by mixing some baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to make a paste and use this mix once a week. Be careful, if your gums hurt after this procedure, then give it up or reduce the application to once a month. 

Using some row salt before brushing will help to delete and reduce yellow stains and whiten teeth. One more method that assists to remove some kind of stains is to rub the teeth with a bay leaf several times a week. These methods are inexpensive and easy to use. 

If nothing acts then you can whiten teeth by taking any other option. Due to variety of teeth whitening methods and products available, it seems that people can get prompt results in improving of the teeth color and appearance. However, for deciding how to whiten teeth, it is necessary to identify the cause of teeth discoloration. 

Sometimes teeth darken occurs due to natural reasons like aging, genetics and excessive fluoride from environment. The other reasons of teeth discoloration are the results of way of life, including taking certain kind of foods and drinks like coffee, tea, wine. Smoking stain teeth as well. Some diseases, trauma, infections can affect enamel and dentin discoloration. Sometimes some courses of treatment like head radiation and chemotherapy can entail darken of teeth color. Also, use of antibiotics tetracycline can cause to gray color to teeth. 

Some causes of tooth discoloration may be prevented by avoiding foods that stain teeth and improving dental hygiene as well. When teeth darken causes by smoking, foods, drinks, the stains are removed with using home teeth whitening or dental bleaching. For fast results during an hour you can head for dental office. If you choose to whiten teeth at home, result is expected after 1 to 3 weeks of treatment. This depends on the product and method of whitening selected. There are several options of home teeth whitening available to achieve a beautiful white smile. 

If discoloration causes other reason it is necessary to consult a professional dentist who recommends a different treatment depends on the case. 

Users often feel sensitivity in their teeth and gums after whiten teeth. This usually lasts few days. Some teeth whitening producers offer an agent to reduce sensitivity during the whitening process and afterwards. 

The duration of teeth whitening effect can vary. Sometimes it is only needed to whiten teeth once a year, whereas, in other cases the whiteness fades after month. However, it is likely that development of chemistry will improve stability of teeth whitening result. In any event whitening effect does not keep forever and depends mostly on after treatment care


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